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September 25th Event Registration Open - Musselman - Note Fall Start Times


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Registration for the Sep 25th event is now open:  https://registration.azbrscca.org/index.html  Registration closes Friday 9/23 at 7 pm. (if in doubt register and let us know you can't make it is better than having to register on site and fit you in)

NOTE: we are now on the FALL start time now (subject to change for future Kino events)

Site Open 8:30am
Registration & Tech Open 8:30 am
Registration Closes 9:30 am
Tech Closes 9:45 am
Novice Walk 9:45am (if you are new to autocross please leave enough time to get thru tech and into the Novice walk)
Mandatory Site Meeting ~10 am (as soon as Novice Walk Finishes)
If you are planning on being in any of the "Active" areas of the track during the event and are not an SCCA member, please make sure to ask about a weekend membership at the gate when you sign in.  These are FREE to non-drivers (IE passengers, volunteers working course, or others who want to be in paddock supporting a driver)
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