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Posts posted by Manfred

  1. On 10/18/2021 at 3:30 PM, Nokones said:

    Which gate for this event? I checked the Website and event calendar didn't see which gate for this weekend.

    I should update the website - "primary" and "alternate" have swapped, and honestly we will never use the old entrance again unless we are forced to by circumstances outside our control.

  2. Ok, the usual blurb is on the front page: https://azbrscca.org/

    More details: https://www.azbrscca.org/autocross/awesome.html

    Registration opens this Thursday Oct 14th at 7pm. I will be out of town by then, if you have trouble registering or have questions, please be patient, you will not hear from me all weekend.

    Registration closes Thursday Oct 21 at 7pm. There is no onsite registration. There is no onsite payment.

    Reminder that there are two events. They are linked, but exist as totally separate entries in our database. If you want to run both events, you must register for each event individually.


    Please read this next part carefully as some payment details have changed. I have made some improvements but the process remains manual and error prone.


    If you are registering for only one of the Awesome events:

    Register as normal for the one event you will attend. When you get to the registration confirmation screen, please click the Add to Cart button and pay immediately.

    If you are doing both Awesome events:

    Register as normal for the first event. When you get to the registration confirmation screen, do not pay. Click on "Registration Home" in the upper left corner.

    Now click on the second event and register. When you get to the registration confirmation screen, the payment price will reflect the correct Two Days of Awesome discount and also correctly count whether you have selected 0, 1, or 2 Time Only slots for the whole weekend. Please click the Add to Cart button and pay immediately.


    Some additional payment info:

    There is no real integration between Paypal and our site. That means if you pay up correctly, then edit your registration, the payment confirmation screen will again ask you for payment. Please don't pay a second time. I can refund you, but the club has to eat the Paypal fees anyway. Please also double check the price at checkout! Sometimes people's mouse clicks register twice, and then you get two items in the cart and double the price.

    Before the event, someone will match up each payment with a driver. If we can't find a payment from you, we will ask you to pay before the event, and in the worst case we may cancel your entry (especially if there are people on the waitlist behind you). Some of you have been regularly abusing this and not paying. We know who you are. You are just creating more work for volunteers. It needs to stop, or we will start talking about cancelling registration of non-payers or outright event bans.

    Some of you use Paypal accounts from weird email addresses or business names that do not match any driver names. To fix this, I've added a text box above the Add to Cart button that is pre-populated with the driver name. Do not delete this. I'm serious. If everyone pays right when they register, we should have no problems and this job should be a lot easier for the volunteer. If you are paying for a codriver or something and can't figure this out, send an email to payments@azbrscca.org with the name on your Paypal account and who you paid for.

    If you know where our webpage is with ALL the Paypal links, please don't use it unless you REALLY know what you're doing. I've updated it, but it's error prone because you have to select the correct payment amount. Make sure you enter the driver name before clicking Add to Cart.

    If you make changes to your registration after you've paid, and the price changes, send a manual Paypal payment to payments@azbrscca.org.

    If you cancel your entry, we receive no notification of that. You should email payments@azbrscca.org and ask for a refund. Note this is subject to the refund policy. The short version is: cancel before registration closes, you get a full refund; cancel after registration closes, please explain to me the mitigating circumstances that caused you to cancel late and I can consider your refund request. Safety is strongly encouraged here. If you wake up and you're sick, don't come, you'll get a full refund; if you got zero hours of sleep due to insomnia and you're not sure you should be in a high performance driving situation, don't come, you'll get a refund. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Mike said:

    First time (hopefully) novice who wants to join my friend for some team driving this weekend,  but I don’t have a helmet.  Are the loaner helmets he told me about using in the past still available for this weekend’s event?



    See this answer below:  

    On 8/20/2021 at 4:41 PM, DanG said:

    We are allowing loaner helmets again, and will have them on site.  Use and cleaning of the loaner helmets is up the the individual user.


  4. 33 minutes ago, Nokones said:

    Outstanding. Thank you. Are we going to use the South Gate?

    I think from now on, we plan to default to using the north gate. We like that there are dedicated lanes for turning onto the access road from both directions, rather than having to slow down in a travel lane. It's probably safer for everyone.

  5. On 8/12/2021 at 7:10 PM, BMcFarland said:

    I may have accidently registered for the sat event twice (only paid once though) as I was trying to figure how to include sun as well. Later found the separate sun registration and did that one correctly.

    It's not possible to double register for the same event unless you created two separate accounts.

    If you go into an event you're already registered for and register "again," it simply updates any changes you may have made to your original entry.

  6. A couple reminders, since we run into this for every two day event.

    • Both events are completely independent entries in our database. If you want to run both events, you need to register for each event separately.
    • Please don't forget you need to pay twice if you register for both events.
    • Reminder, there is no integration between the website and paypal, it's just a dumb link for you to send us money. So when you successfully pay and then come back to edit your entry, the website doesn't know you've already paid or how much.
    • Because there's no integration, if you cancel your entry, you need to email someone (payments [at] azbrscca.org is best) in order to get a refund, if you qualify for a refund
    • I can't remember the last time I actually denied someone a refund. But you have to email me or I don't know!
    • No really, please email. Sending me a PM or a text message does not notify everyone who needs to know that you cancelled and makes it hard for me to collect that information.


  7. 5 hours ago, Jon said:

    Just want to make sure there's no weather cancellations or issues with tomorrow's event...?

    We run rain or shine. (Snow is a no-go, yes, it's happened, no it won't happen tomorrow.)

    We will pause the event as necessary if lightning comes close to enough to create a safety issue.

    See you all out there!

  8. On 7/16/2021 at 7:21 PM, Nokones said:

    I inadvertently, registered for the Sierra Vista event and their registration closed prior to me realizing that I made a mistake, and I could not cancel the entry.  I did send them a separate request to cancel but, I may have been charged via PayPal for their entry fee.  When I tried to complete my registration for the AZ Border event for July 25, the Paypal was trying to charge me with a default of "Two" in my Shopping Cart.  I did change the number of items in my cart from two to one however, I am not sure who gets my money now.

    Additionally, I received two email receipts from Paypal.  It appears that the payment did go to AZ Border Region SCCA and not Sierra Vista however, I may have been charged twice.  The transaction ID numbers are:  5FJ91779VL426561N and 398854753L8006729.

    Will I be charged twice for this event?  

    Please let me know and please help, because I need it.


    I see two separate payments from you. I refunded one of them.

  9. Event policies will be the same as in July:

    • Registration opens on Friday July 16th at 7pm
    • Online registration only, all entrants must prepay via PayPal - there will be no onsite registration or payments
    • In order to provide a good experience for everyone, the entry cap will be 100 drivers
    • Novices will be allowed
    • Spectators will be allowed, but must stay in paddock or outside the iron fence - not allowed in grid, next to the equipment truck, etc. We will expand paddock to provide more space and we ask that you continue to keep your physical distance from others not in your household
    • Masks: recommended for unvaccinated people
    • Run/work: A works for B (comp runs only), C works for D (time only runs), vice versa - if you skip time only runs you can leave early, the website now reflects this correctly

    Bring way more water than you think you'll need, expect serious heat.

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