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  1. Yesterday
  2. Both Living Timing and Results pages are still down. Any ETA on the fix? Please share what you know. Thanks........
  3. Last week
  4. Well, this blows. Maybe, fingers crossed, someone with deep pockets and a love a racing will purchase and turn it into a major, Motorsports club, and add amenities. I don’t have deep pockets, so that won’t be me.
  5. Damn, this is painful to see. I’ve been driving here at our competitions since high school. Given how the listing presents it, I’m also not expecting it to stay as a track. Firebird is back to being called Firebird now, and they did a whole announcement around their new management who seems to want the track to succeed. Fingers crossed the club can go back there once AMP is gone.
  6. And nobody should be representing the Club without the expressed consent of the Region's Executive Board.
  7. Absolutely, what Manfred said. At this point in time (these days) any approach or reaching out to any site would need to be highly professional, organized, and always done through Club Leadership. All kinds of legalities….insurance, costs, and authority to make any binding agreement…. Like that.
  8. This is a general post not aimed at anyone in particular, but just to be really clear: starting (or restarting) a relationship with an autocross site can be tricky and delicate, and requires a great deal of care. Sometimes this means you only get one shot at it. If you have an idea for a site, please do not go investigating it on your own, please do not pre-emptively reach out to the site owner, etc. Instead, provide the information to club leadership and allow them to develop a reach-out plan.
  9. Earlier
  10. For many years we and other Clubs had a great relationship at Firebird. Often they would draw upon our Club members to assist with putting on some of their events. Looks like it's time to see what kind of new relationship might be possible. I'm thinking that PIR (or whatever it's called today) might be worth an approach, we'd only need one of their side parking lots, maybe two.
  11. This sucks because you doesn’t just effect us it effects all the clubs who use the site
  12. As I understand it, there have been sale talks at least as far back as 2015 when one of my clients tried to buy it. Based on the popularity of this area for warehouse developments, not holding my breath that the next buyer would be able to financially justify keeping the track. Probably worth 10-15M.
  13. Actually, I am very surprised Wiggy hasn’t shown up here yet. He’s bought about two or three of my previous cars…. Actually, looking at the news, Wiggy is a pilot that often helps with the air fire suppression of assorted wildfires. He might be otherwise busy this summer.
  14. Buy it. Drive it for a season, then sell to Wiggy.
  15. Sadly, AMP is for sale. https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/West-Camelback-Road-rd-Litchfield-Park-AZ/31967378/
  16. UPDATE: Car is now at mechanic. TBD if it’s reasonably repairable, meets the crusher or finds a new owner who will fix it until I hear what it all needs next week. I know it's short notice, but my GTI decided while vibrating like crazy (probably motor mounts are shot again, been this way for a week and had an appointment set for Tuesday already before this happened) to knock off the epoxy my mechanic patched its transmission with that worked fine for more than a year and is leaking fluid everywhere. I need to get it to Autobahn Motorwerks in North Phoenix from the Panda Express at 40th St. and Thomas Rd. Anyone have cheap towing options? Got a couple towing companies' names I'm going to call tomorrow, but if anyone has any other cheap options I end up seeing before I call a tow truck tomorrow, I'm happy to look into them. Thanks!
  17. The Street Touring survey is here: https://www.scca.com/announcements/746-stac-seeking-member-input-participate-in-the-survey
  18. Where do you go to comment? Or is it a phone call? Or am I too late?
  19. Ah, that helped putting them in order with their prior designations. Thx, Mark. Gave me a much better picture.😎
  20. It's not a full detailed list as it's just a proposal to solicit comments. You can see the details in the fastrack here AST is mainly a combination of some of the cars from SST plus the ND Miata and S2k from STR, with the following classes switching to the naming convention as below.
  21. Is there any link to the complete list of the “new” ST Classing groupings…. For example, A, B, C, D, ….. like that? I’ve only found bits and pieces.
  22. Nope, it's only out for member comment and isn't final. Also, I don't know what I'm doing next year. If the N/A Elise also goes to AST, I'm building an AST Lotus. I would recommend anyone considering ST in the future or is in ST now writes a letter and fills out the survey if you're confident you have an informed opinion
  23. Manfred It is being looked at, may take a few days Kim
  24. This isn't working for me: https://www.azsolo.com/results/ If I load the underlying URL of the iframe (https://pasr.solotiming.com/results/) I get a cert error. Page works after bypassing the cert error.
  25. Along with the move of the S2k and ND to AST the wheel sizes will now use the STU rules, allowing those cars to run wider wheels. I wonder if Mark already has some 17x10s on order?
  26. You let me drive it once, even before it was this good. Really liked it then, I dare not drive it again.🤣
  27. Scott has read the sticker.
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