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Everything posted by smeyers

  1. Go to the Sound Sticker section......http://forum.azsolo.com/index.php?/topic/84-sound-sticker/ Look up the part about a “Provisional Sticker”. Unless your car is heavily modded, you likely would be OK. *No one* can do actual sound checks this day, the road course is busy.
  2. Yep, so I was told. It’s a local choice to block the list from non-entrants. Too bad. I like to follow what my friends are doing even at events I can’t attend. Very glad SCCA National does not share that view.
  3. This is what I get.....notice it states I’m logged in. ??? What did I miss? It works for the Champ Tour (2nd photo). Thx for any help.
  4. FWIW, SCCA National also uses MSR for its events, and even though I (and others) can’t attend most of those events, its nice being able to review the list of entrants for each. Helps let you keep track of one’s friends. I’d like to ask that you enable that feature for us locally. I believe it’s a setting with the MSR features. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Go to this old link.......... http://www.azsolo.com/backup/index.php/events-info/results Save it. I deleted all of my old links, never thinking I'd need them again. I hear they are working on adding a results button to the new site.
  6. Sadly, not this time. As fate would have it, this event and the one in Sierra Vista are on the same day. So, I had to choose. Much cooler in SV, first class concrete surface, and I’ve been attending their events for over 30 years. I enjoy AMP, and the 50 car thing is mostly an inconvenience, but not a deal-breaker. Would gladly attend but for the date conflict. For what it’s worth, the 50 person limit was mostly predicated on activities indoor or in enclosed spaces. Our kind of event did not really have a related umbrella to fall under. Carry on!
  7. OK, I called the Arizona Covid-19 helpline....1-844-542-8201.....and had an extended conversation with one of their specialists. I described our autocross activity with her in great detail, and mentioned the space we occupy, a number of acres. I shared that we typically had around 150 attendees within that space. She was attentive, and looked through lots of comparable guidelines, like hiking, and especially youth sports. See link. This was from the Governors current website. https://azgovernor.gov/sites/default/files/guidance_for_organized_youth_events_0_0.pdf In her view, given the space involved, we would be within compliance guidelines as long as social distancing and all the other preventive measures were followed. She saw no problem with numbers greater than 50. So, I agree with Steve that the 50 person limit does not apply to our outdoor activity at this time. Social distancing and masks are a must. Comments?
  8. Sure; be glad to help out. You're never too old to learn, they say...........😉
  9. Thx, I can now edit. First, The PCA Inde event details are HERE Then, here is the revised, revised Calendar. 🙄
  10. Will do. I’d like to know a few more details about that, too. Would that be like our previous limited road course autocrosses? And pricing too, when you can. Thx.
  11. Hello to all, and welcome back. Much has changed, and everyone is doing their best to get the activities rolling again, safely. So, where and when can we go autocrossing again. I revised the calendar of dates, based upon latest information. If there are any errors or changes, please let me know. At this time only Arizona Region, Sierra Vista, and PCA have dates actively scheduled. Tucson is stuck, because many grounded aircraft have parked on their lot. Here's the calendar of events. (Old calendar removed)
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