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Everything posted by Zuko305

  1. You mean to tell me, you found a shop where the tire jockeys are consistent from week to week and maybe even month to month?
  2. can you convert to .pdf instead of .key for us non Mac users and whose .ppt can't read that file. thanks.
  3. Bump. Several items remaining. Please come find an equipment representative to claim your belongings.
  4. The gray Owala flask is claimed.
  5. Unable to recall. Find someone with the blue shirts w/yellow PASR writing during the Jan event.
  6. Joe’s pressure gage = Jeff Z.
  7. If these items are yours, please respond to this thread, PM, or find me during the January 2024 event. Ben - Equipment
  8. Classic Gold in Tempe does quality work, but book out ahead. Network Alignment does good and the other would be Forza Motorsports also in Tempe.
  9. No offense taken! You’re vocal, that’s good. Use it to help us out, constructively.
  10. The time it took you to write your initial and secondary response you could have created a rough draft of best practices for corner workers. The lack of experience can be a valuable tool where as 10+ year veteran of the sport may be “blind” to potential deficiencies or it’s the we’ve always done it that way syndrome. If you have suggestions, make an effort to reach out to the SSS at an event, put something to paper, present an idea, use the GRC published by SCCA and do something. The SC meetings are always public, and if you have something to say reach out to the Club Secretary who will have the topic added to the agenda. The club is omnipresent in continuous improvement.
  11. Safety must be an engrained behavior not just a priority as those change. Thus, with your given passion and expertise at worker station safety I nominate you to write a single page worker-safety protocol to be presented to the Steering Committee for review. Secondarily to this, develop a consistently repeatable deployment strategy to ensure consistent results. Thank you for volunteering your time so willingly.
  12. Great work! What would it take (time, cost, copyright, equipment, etc.) to create a video of similar nature and style to put front and center on the AzSolo landing page? The purpose of which is to provide people with an introduction to AX, provide FAQ's, highlights of participation, and preparation for the event activities?
  13. The experienced watching new drivers with optional slaloms;
  14. There was a course years ago at BDI hosted by SV which had a pivot, nearly identical to what you describe as an “Arizona Clump.” My first attempt was dismal at best annd had to use reverse! By the last couple of attempts, slow was the best approach. It certainly was an equalizer in the field and a unique & enjoyable element.
  15. Just ask (look for those in the blue shirt w/yellow lettering or a Safety Steward) for an instructor and someone will be glad to provide assistance.
  16. and this is often the root of poor decisions, especially when its akin to a solution looking for a problem, LOL. What is the actual inaccuracy %? What is the baseline and how can we improve using only anecdotal data? Will training, radio use, and some instructional behavior changes improve the accuracy w/o adding the complexity of numbers? Numbers won't solve missed downed cones or cones not called in within a timely & accurate manner because of inattentiveness. Training can be accomplished during cone clinics, novice walks, and during the drivers meeting. Perhaps we invest in some upgraded technologies to ease operations and improve accuracy, while still being flexible enough to take a hit without breaking.
  17. Pathetic little numbers, so precise and whatnot. Go big and ugly or go home.
  18. I beg to differ on bringing shade, I counted no less than 10 “easy-up’s”spread about the paddock. That doesn’t mean a more permanent solution cannot be researched. In prior seasons there were several large tents located on the east side of the paddock near the guard rail. In reality there is no obligation for the club to provide shade. I for one really enjoy the “farmers tan” at the conclusion of the events.
  19. 1) Workers should spread out when assigned to a station, not all huddled together. This reduces response times to downed cones & minimizes distractions. 2) Workers should watch closely the rear of the vehicle as often times they are watching the front of the car as it passes them and miss the downed cone. 3) Clipping the mic results in missed messages; hold then speak. In the moment, this is often forgotten. 4) As others have said, raising a cone briefly above the head is a great secondary notifier, same with the crossed arm over the head indicating no cone fault. 5) T & S should be familiar with worker stations #'s and workers with workers referencing those numbers; Station 3, Blue Miata, 1 Cone (for example). 6) Equipment will talk with the other Chiefs and see what mgt can do to reduce distractions at T&S, as this has been a distraction for a long time. Is it for the shade, the curiosity to figure out up to the minute PAX factors, old habits, seeking help / information? 7) There may be technology-centric approaches which can better support operational efficiency; barcode scanning is one that comes to mind, like at a national event. Maybe RFID, transponders, or maybe something as crazy as AI use combined with photographic tech (the later one is a far stretch, but open to ideas). 8 - Autocrossers seem superstitious and if one doesn't get their number - you'd think the world has ended, it causes a lot of drama. No numbers.
  20. Not everyone on the teams are able to make every single event, although most do, so come and find a Chief and talk about your availability.
  21. You are missing out... on a great opportunity to volunteer your time and get on that list. Talk to the Chief's see where there is an opening.
  22. Thanks for the leads. Do you possibly have any contact information?
  23. What sites? We are always open to explore additional locations. Please provide a listing / location and the responsible member of the SC will pursue.
  24. FSE is definitely an experience…an eclectic crowd for sure. Ask for a room away from Fremont St. as the music doesn’t subside until wee early morning hours and a room facing Fremont may not yield the best nights sleep.
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