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Everything posted by cgroppi

  1. I'd try Forza automotive first. The owner can come off as sort of a jerk, but they know what they are doing. https://maps.app.goo.gl/hvbLTrnTqNqifR1t9
  2. Phoenix AZ Solo Region Steering Committee Meeting Minutes March 13, 2024 Present: Chris G, Kim K, Kevin V, Ben Z, Mat L, Tim B, Danielle S, Ken M, Todd H, Faith H, Morgan L, Brian M, Craig Borger 1. Update on region - Kim K - 5 min a. 467 members b. Now a large region. First conference call is next week. 2. Financials (General) – Kevin V for Steve E - 5 min a. Made $3444 since beginning of year. b. Current balance is about $35k. 3. Status of truck – Kevin V for Steve E – 5 min a. No update on the status of the truck title. b. Kevin will follow up with Steve on the status of the title 4. National Event Debrief – Kevin V – 10 min a. SCCA seemed to be happy with how the event went. b. No camping on site was an issue with attendance, but we can’t have camping because we’re too close to Luke AFB. c. Kevin is looking into the possibility of having a pro solo at AMP in the future. Maybe we can make it work. d. Site is penciled in for a tour next year. Potential to do a 4-day weekend and have the pro and tour back-to-back. e. Maybe a local event that’s a trial run of a pro solo like event. f. Maybe look into a deal with a campsite relatively near by? 5. National Event Financial Summary – Kevin V for Steve E – 5 min a. Ended up making $890 for the event. b. Overspent a little on welcome event, but we had lots of leftovers so we could have done less. c. Lost a little money on shirts but made back more on test and tune and the event itself. 6. SC Recognition awards for Region of the Year – Kim K – 5 min a. Danielle will look into options for embroidered helmet bags or nice jackets for all SC members. We can decide based on price after we get estimates. b. In general SC is supportive of the idea. 7. Afternoon guests – Lance H – 5 min a. Lance suggested letting in guests without pre-registration once TOs start. b. Could be a burden on waiver. Waiver person must be trained to know what to do. c. We will get some paper SCCA waiver forms for special cases where speedwaiver is not efficient. d. Will table until next meeting because relevant people (Lance and Steve) aren’t here. 8. Backup timing procedure for live timing outage – Jason B / Danielle S – 5 min a. Live timing went out when Jason wasn’t around and we couldn’t fix it. b. Caused problems for drivers, one who DNFd all 4 runs. c. Need a procedure for live timing outage. d. Jason will work with Danielle for a plan. e. DNFs for novices are most important. f. Chief of novices should come up with a list of potential instructors that we can have at the timing trailer to help multiple DNF people. 9. Equipment update – Ben Z – 5 min a. Need about 100 new cones eventually. b. Potential group buy opportunity for cones. c. Need to get more chalk (wallboard) d. Free drywall from Mat! Ben will do whatever is needed to get us more. e. Vests? SCCA national took our vests by accident. Kevin will get our vests back from pro in Vegas. We’ll buy more if for some reason we can’t get them all back. 10. Exploration of additional sites update- Brian M - 5 min a. No new news. 11. Banquet and awards: - Danielle S - 5 min a. Spring social event in April at GC? b. Unanimous yes for April social event. 12. Social media update – Kei J /Danielle S – 5 min a. Danielle has been posting more on FB. b. Kei still needs to give access to Instagram to rest of the club. He’s the only one who has access now. c. Kevin will ask Kei to provide this info to Danielle and Morgan. 13. Fall special events (two-day, road course) – All – 5 min a. October has a 2-day event already scheduled, oct 19-20. No format chosen for Oct 19. b. October 14 on calendar for Columbus day for track event. c. Potential registration challenge with 3 events all in a week. d. Registration should discuss current schedule and decide if they are OK with it. e. Maybe move 2-day event to another month if it’s too much for registration. f. School seems like a good idea. g. Maybe do the pro solo test event in May? 14. Next meeting date? – All – 5 min a. August 14
  3. Phoenix AZ Solo Region Steering Committee Meeting Minutes December 6, 2023 Present: Kevin V, Kim K, Steve E, Chris S, Chris G, Brian M, Ben Z, Tim B, Craig B, Jason B, Ken M, Lance H, Mat L, Morgan L, Todd H, Bill P, Danielle S 1. Update on region - Kim K - 5 min a. 413 members. New DSSS: Robbie Robinson 2. Financials - Steve E - 5 min a. On track to maybe lose a little money this year, but this is good. We have too much for a NP anyway. Current balance is about $32k. Between school and track day, we lost about $2k. But the school is a service, and the track day is not regular. 3. Status of truck – Steve E – 5 min a. Titled to AZ region. So we need to fix that. Steve will talk with Chris Page to get it transferred to us. Then we need to get rid of the truck, and maybe the trailer. 4. Equipment update – Ben Z – 5 min a. Going to order a new Yagi antenna post. Our current one is broken. 5. Registration and waiver process changes update (Guests, cancellation policy, no shows) – Lance H, Faith H, Kevin V – 5 min a. Lance is happy with the process. Mechanics are becoming more streamlined. b. Cancellation policy was updated to say that you need to cancel before registration ends to get a refund. If you cancel after reg closes, you may not get one. c. Chris S will buy some more stickers for tech. d. Need to talk with Jim B to ask other events to keep their people out of our event area. 6. Exploration of additional sites update- Ben Z/Brian M - 5 min a. No new updates from Ben. b. Brian called 5 sites. 2 responses: WHP, Radford, Arizona downs. WHP and Radford are expensive (3.5k-5k per event). Arizona downs lot is mostly oiled gravel not paved. 3 airports said no in the past. c. Do we want to have any 2 day events this coming year? Do we want to have a drivers school? 2 day event tentatively scheduled October 19-20. 7. Banquet and awards plans: - Danielle S, Ally A. - 5 min a. Awards banquet after the January event at Shop beer co. Will have a food truck, and we have the whole outside of the place. b. Club can pay for food with the truck. Or we could get catering. c. Originally wanted jackets for awards, but the timescale is too long. So going with etched pint glasses instead to go with the brewery theme for the banquet. 8. Social media presence – Danielle S – 5 min a. Danielle wants to help boost our social media. Already on Facebook, but wants to get access to Instagram to add more content in addition to Kei. 9. MLK Road course event – Ken M. – 5 min a. Ken is working on it. b. Survey was overwhelmingly in favor of doing this, with the same course map (because of speed of approval). c. Tage volunteered to come with a tow truck for $250, and help do other support too. Lance will set it up. d. Everyone voted yes to do it. 10. Spring Nationals Event update – Kevin V – 10 minutes a. SCCA onboard with event and is planning the tour in Feb. b. Kevin is working on the agreement with SCCA national, and what the region needs to provide to support the event. 11. Course worker captain responsibilities – Kim K – 10 minutes a. Corner Captain worker guide has been made (idea from David Alter) b. It’s a single sheet we can pass out to each corner captain, so responsibilities are clear. c. Email out to people too, put on website, have Kei go over at cone clinic. d. Ben will make it 2 pages: simplified bullet points on front, more detail on back. 12. Summer event this year? – Brian M. – 5 min a. Not a lot of good places. Brian could look into it more if we really wanted to do it. b. Sierra vista and Tucson already do summer events. We could go. 13. Next meeting date? – All – 5 min a. Wednesday March 13?
  4. Hello everyone, We would like to invite any members of the Phoenix AZ Solo Region to attend the upcoming steering committee meeting at 6pm on Wednesday, December 6. Because we have a very full meeting agenda, we do have some ground rules for attendance: You must contact me (Chris Groppi) by PM to obtain the zoom link. We will not publicly distribute the link on the forum. Attendance is limited to members of the Phoenix AZ Solo SCCA region 117. We ask that you attend as a listener. Our meeting agenda is full, so time for discussion of items not on the agenda is not possible. If you have a specific topic you would like to bring up, please let me know and we can consider adding it to the agenda. If time is not available for this SC meeting, we can include your request in the agenda for the next SC meeting. We are attempting to hold SC meetings every two months.
  5. I use both Classic Gold and Forza. They're actually brothers. Forza has done the best job so far. When I had an alignment at Classic Gold, their rack was down, so they sent it to Bullet Automotive, who didn't do a good job. Forza's work was perfect. The owner can be a bit much for some people, but he knows what he's doing. I use Classic Gold for all my other work, but they aren't alignment specialists. And like Ben said, they're super busy.
  6. $300 to get a set of 4 mounted? You have to be kidding me. Crossing them off the list.
  7. Phoenix AZ Solo Region Steering Committee Meeting Minutes September 28, 2023 Present: Faith H, Steve E. Lance H., Mat L., Danielle S., Mike J. (guest), Ben Z., Craig B., Kevin V., Kim K, Brian M., Ally A. (guest), Brian P. (guest), Ken M., Morgan L., Kei J., Hayden P. (guest), Doug R. (guest), Bill P. 1. Update on region - Kim K - 5 min a. Almost 400 members now. We have high growth even for a medium region. b. Sportscar magazine producer has decided to part ways with SCCA. SCCA is looking for new people to produce the magazine. c. Brian P. discussion of adding another event on weekends. Need to get more people to make that happen. Brian will investigate how we might make this work. 2. Financials - Steve E - 5 min a. We’re $4400+ positive this year. Steve thinks this is “too good a shape”. We should spend money. b. Steve proposes we reduce entry fees by $2 to cover MSR fee. c. Voted unanimously yes for this change starting in November. 3. Propose and vote on Danielle Simons as chief of awards and banquet, and Ally Arts as assistant – all – 5 min a. Unanimous yes on the motion. Note Danielle is already asst. T&S chief. 4. Equipment update – Ben Z – 5 min a. Timing needs paper b. New scoreboard purchased (we now have two large) c. Looking into converting scoreboard(s) to battery power d. Bar code system for start/timing? e. Maybe we could rent a tent for shade like AMP had before? 5. Registration and waiver process changes update (Guests, cancellation policy, no shows) – Lance H, Faith H, Kevin V – 5 min a. Things seem to be going well. Hand written numbers are faster. b. Guest registration working well. May have cut down on guest numbers. c. Also has fixed issues with novices not knowing what to do when they arrive. 6. Exploration of additional sites update- Ben Z/Brian M - 5 min a. Nothing to add from Ben. b. Podium club skidpad too small, track is super expensive. c. Casa Grande airport not interested. d. Will make a forum post in SC forum to summarize situation. 7. Banquet and awards plans: - Chris G, Danielle S, Ally A. - 5 min a. Delegated to Danielle and Ally. b. Increase awards budget to ~$1200 8. Veteran’s day road course event update – Kenny M. – 5 min a. Maybe have another meeting just for this event ~2 weeks before. 1 hour meeting before event with chiefs to plan. Wed October 18 at 6pm. b. Kenny having surgery, may not be able to make event. Kim can’t make event either but has lined up safety stewards. 9. Nov 4-5 two-day event: Driver’s school – Kei – 5 min a. Drivers school on Nov 4. Event on Nov 5 b. Limit to people with 10 events or fewer. Lance can check this in MSR c. Club will buy lunch for students and instructors d. 50 people limit with $25 fee e. Motion to do this is approved with unanimous vote. 10. Spring Nationals Event update – Doug R. – 10 minutes a. Nationals provides almost everything. They need our cones. b. Need to set up a meeting with region and nationals people. First meeting with just key people. Doug will help arrange. 11. Keeping noise away from timing and scoring. Cones? – All – 5 minutes a. Reasons: Shade, display, socialization, inertia from when we had a scoreboard, b. Move an ez up farther away and also move scoreboard further away. That can be the place for shade and congregation. c. Maybe get a smaller timing screen to use just for timing and scoring to see times if the big scoreboard is moved farther away. 12. Do we need car numbers? – Kim K., Jason B. – 10 minutes a. Jason (who isn’t here) thinks he has a system to make this work. b. But lance does not want to change the grid number system with MSR because that’s how our registration system is set up and changing it is a big deal. c. We need a system to keep reg simple with minimal changes, but also be able to add in the car numbers. d. Lance will talk with T&S to come up with a plan that is mutually agreeable before we proceed. 13. Next meeting date? – All – 5 min a. December 6
  8. Hello everyone, We would like to invite any members of the Phoenix AZ Solo Region to attend the upcoming steering committee meeting at 6pm on Thursday, September 28. Because we have a very full meeting agenda, we do have some ground rules for attendance: You must contact me (Chris Groppi) by PM to obtain the zoom link. We will not publicly distribute the link on the forum. Attendance is limited to members of the Phoenix AZ Solo SCCA region 117. We ask that you attend as a listener. Our meeting agenda is full, so time for discussion of items not on the agenda is not possible. If you have a specific topic you would like to bring up, please let me know and we can consider adding it to the agenda. If time is not available for this SC meeting, we can include your request in the agenda for the next SC meeting. We are attempting to hold SC meetings every two months.
  9. An update on The Lift Shop. I just got a set of A052s mounted there. But between when I ordered them a few weeks ago and they got shipped, The Lift Shop stopped being a tirerack installer. Kyle the manager said they just had too much work and had to cut back. What he did say is that they'd happily mount tires for us if we buy the tires from them directly. He said they'd match tire rack's price, and if for some reason they couldn't get the tires themselves we could still go through tire rack as a backup. But he did ask that any SCCA people call first and be sure to say they are SCCA, otherwise they'll say no.
  10. Yushi, I’d be happy to assist as an SSS at events or help with training new SSS. I am a SSSI. I am away in travel until the end of July but could help starting in august depending on schedule. Just let me know what help you need.
  11. Bondurant and WHP are both smaller than AMP. For the National event, scca pays for the site anyway so the cost is not relevant. What is relevant is trying to organize a National event in a location we do not normally use. That’s a recipe for disaster. The occupancy limits for AMP can be overcome with a one-time waiver request to the city. We do not expect that request to be a problem since AMP has done it successfully in the past. The National event will definitely not include an EVO school. We are considering hosting an EVO school but that would need to be on another weekend. The National event will fully consume the site and all of the regions bandwidth on its own that weekend.
  12. Phoenix AZ Solo Region Steering Committee Meeting Minutes June 29, 2023 Present: Lance H., Kevin V., Kim K., Chris G., Steve E., Tim B., Faith H., Matt U., Ben Z., Mat L., Chris S., Jonathan Herold (guest), David Alter (guest), Kenny M., Kei J., Jason B., Brian M., Morgan L., Doug Rowse (guest) 1. Update on region: 348 members. Kim attending medium size region meetings. Not much to report. 2. Financials: Putting cancelation money from Jan events into this year, we have made over $6k this year. This is a lot, too much Steve thinks. This is $9.29 per driver. Ways to fix: fancier awards, free lunch for either 1 event or the full fall series, reduce entry fees, Kevin suggests: awards bump, MSR fee cost adjustment, free lunch for September. Steve suggests we talk on the SC forum for other ideas to reduce our bank balance. 3. Registration and waiver process update: pre-registration of guests worked well. Made things way easier for reg and waiver. Check in at gate worked well, but some refinements. Big time sink was looking for stickers. Instead, will have a generic sticker and will write the car number on it at check in to speed things up. 4. Equipment update: No real updates. Retired 18 cones. People like the tents and elevated table. New tall chairs are good too. Tim is doing maintenance on gas devices. Tim suggests maybe we buy backup displays since they seem to die occasionally. Kevin suggests getting a second large display and use the small as the backup. Kevin V. motions to buy a new, large display. Unanimous yes. 5. Truck and Trailer: Kevin and Tim haven’t done anything yet. But Kevin was out of the country for a month. Will look at it soon. 6. Elimination of unused subforums on website: sponsors, event planning, rallycross. Kim proposes we eliminate the unused forums. Kevin will notify the border region rallycross people to be sure they are OK with it. 7. Fall series format: Registration prefers full day event. 8. Kei is thinking about the driver’s school on Sat Nov 4. Plan is to make the school for novices. Kei will continue to plan and will post on the forum. Will get Bill P. to help with course design. Kenny is planning track day on Nov 10 (veteran’s day). Plan to drop entry fee to make less money. Kevin will talk with Pat about lunch plans and pricing (for all events including track day). 9. National Event update: confirmed dates for national tour: Feb. 23, 24 and 25. National SCCA pays for site. Not sure if national pays for other region expenses. Steve would like to know those details. Doug said region needs to get in touch with National. We should schedule a zoom with national, with Kevin, Brian, Steve, Chris, Doug and National. Need to ask nationals for expected headcount and ask for a waiver with attendance margin. 10. Gila Bend site: Ben’s contact disappeared. Ben will try to work directly with city of Gila Bend. Ben will keep working on it. Brian M. has done some research. Sites are really expensive. Old Bondurant is $5500 per day, WHP is $6500 per day. Some places didn’t return calls (PIR, private tracks). Steve E. says that AMP has contract for another 7 years with the county and the owner does not expect to go anywhere. 11. Banquet: Spring banquet canceled because of lack of interest. Probably because it was not immediately after an event. Next Spring last event is on a Sunday so maybe we try it again. Fall 23 event is on a Saturday now, so we want to change to Sunday the 17th. Motion to change the event to Sunday the 17th. Unanimous yes to change the date. 12. Next meeting: Sept 28
  13. Hello everyone, We would like to invite any members of the Phoenix AZ Solo Region to attend the upcoming steering committee meeting at 6pm on Thursday, June 29. Because we have a very full meeting agenda, we do have some ground rules for attendance: You must contact me (Chris Groppi) by PM to obtain the zoom link. We will not publicly distribute the link on the forum. Attendance is limited to members of the Phoenix AZ Solo SCCA region 117. We ask that you attend as a listener. Our meeting agenda is full, so time for discussion of items not on the agenda is not possible. If you have a specific topic you would like to bring up, please let me know and we can consider adding it to the agenda. If time is not available for this SC meeting, we can include your request in the agenda for the next SC meeting. We are attempting to hold SC meetings every two months.
  14. We need a lot more information. Open wheel cars are either AM, BM, CM or FM depending on the details. We need to know the engine and the car weight at a minimum to get started.
  15. You and Yuki Tsunoda are peas in a pod!
  16. We have made the decision to cancel the banquet for this coming Sunday. As of this evening, we only have 20 people signed up, and that isn't enough to justify asking Ground Control to stay open late for us. We'll distribute the Fall 22 awards in September at our first event, and pick up with the banquet in December when there will be (hopefully) some more interest. Lance will process refunds for everyone who did sign up through MSR.
  17. And everyone please register early! We need to provide a headcount to the restaurant a week out, so don't wait until the last minute! And you definitely do not have to win an award to attend. Any members and guests are welcome to just have a good time before the summer break.
  18. Yes. There was not enough time to get the awards, and we have not given out the fall 22 awards yet. And we still need to have something to award in December!
  19. Springs need to be OEM or OEM equivalent. You may not change length or rate. Shocks can be anything up to and including double adjustable a long as they have the same length and geometry (mainly for struts). Wheel spacers/wheel offset are changeable +/- 1/4” (6mm). Wheel diameter can be changed from OEM +/- 1”. Width must remain stock. Changing parts to different model years is not allowed in stock unless allowed by the factory (meaning they change part numbers in their catalog to allow replacement for your year and model). This is called “update/backdate”. It is allowed in street prepared.
  20. Phoenix AZ Solo Region Steering Committee Meeting Minutes March 16, 2023 Present: Lance H., Kevin V., Kim K., Chris G., Steve E., Brian M., Tim B., Kei J., Faith H., Matt U., Ben Z., Mat L., Chris S., , William P., Jonathan Herold (guest) 1. Region Update: Medium/Large meeting upcoming. Annual minor waiver poster provided by SCCA. Waiver can use if they want. May not, because we need speedwaiver to smooth registration. 2. Financials update: YTD $456 loss, but not actually true. Dual event income in December had extra revenue, but then we had to refund in Jan because of cancellation. Actual situation better. Current bank balance is about $32k. Steve thinks this is a little high. May need to address in the future to reduce balance, but OK now. 3. Review of weekend membership charge: National will charge $20 for this, but we only charge $15. Kim suggests we should update our charges. But they have not increased it yet. Steve says we are still only charged $15. Consensus to leave it alone until we’re actually charged more. 4. Vote on Ken Mitchell as chief of special events: Ken has helped with a couple of special events already. Worth recognition, and willing to keep helping. Motion to vote. Passes unanimously 5. Equipment update: Tim will check displays because last digit flashes. Ben Z wants to replace our pull carts because they are in poor shape over the summer. Ben will also look into getting more taller chairs. Awards needs to get rid of old awards taking up space. Ben will also get another tent for waiver in case of rain, and will also get weights. 6. Registration and waiver process changes: Guest policy has caused confusion and problems last couple of events. Reg and waiver have come up with new process. Guests will have to make a MSR profile, and then register for a guest registration. Guests must enter who they are a guest of, and then register. No charge to register. Automates speedwaiver for guests, and lets lance keep track of guests, make a guest waitlist, and also check to see if they’ve done their speedwaiver. Just before reg closes, reg will print a list of guests who have not yet checked in, so we know who is left who is allowed in. Will also move registration over to check in area. Also wants to get a jump box with inverter to power laptop over by waiver. For pre registrations, Lance will do all of them in advance. If people can’t make It or need to make a change, they will need to contact Lance. 7. Length of waitlists: What can we do to lower number of people on the waitlist. There’s usually 5-10 people on the waitlist who end up not making it in. Also, we always use up all 55 guest spots. We will think about ways we can fix this. But the 200 person site limit plus having to be completely done and gone by 5pm cause a problem. 8. Summer event at Snowflake airport / Casa grande airport: Idea with Snowflake is to have a summer event up in the mountains in our summer break. Site has some special limitations and issues because of the shape of the pavement. It would work, but course design would be very limited. Parking for trailers is an issue. Steve thinks we’d have to limit number of people. Logistics of moving our equipment up there will be challenging. Someone would have to take charge of setting this up. Maybe Ken M. might want to lead? No news on Casa Grande. 9. Other sites: Gila bend airport. 80ft wide runway. Site very amicable to us coming. Hot, so we couldn’t have it in the summer. Is someone interested in pursuing it? Matt U: Has anyone looked into Apex? 10. Banquet plans: Yes we want a spring banquet. Plan to have it in May. Motion and vote unanimous yes. 11. Fall 23 2 day event ideas: Nov 10 makeup of track day on veteran’s day. Driver’s school would be another 2 day event this fall. Maybe Gila Bend would have to be in Spring 24. 12. National event possibilities: Occupancy waiver for a national event? It’s been done once for AMP. AMP is OK with it, and is willing to help. But we would have to come up with a weekend to propose when the track was free (so we were the only people there). 6 months ahead of time they’d have to propose to the county to get the waiver. 13. Evo school and/or drivers school: Ken/Kei will look into this. Kei will talk to Ken about this for the fall. Kei says more people have shown interest in a local drivers school. 14. Next SC meeting date: June 29
  21. Hello everyone, We would like to invite any members of the Phoenix AZ Solo Region to attend the upcoming steering committee meeting at 6pm on Thursday, March 16. Because we have a very full meeting agenda, we do have some ground rules for attendance: You must contact me (Chris Groppi) by PM to obtain the zoom link. We will not publicly distribute the link on the forum. Attendance is limited to members of the Phoenix AZ Solo SCCA region 117. We ask that you attend as a listener. Our meeting agenda is full, so time for discussion of items not on the agenda is not possible. If you have a specific topic you would like to bring up, please let me know and we can consider adding it to the agenda. If time is not available for this SC meeting, we can include your request in the agenda for the next SC meeting. We are attempting to hold SC meetings every two months.
  22. Given that's the case, buy whatever's cheapest now, which is the Falken by a mile. There's also wear to consider. A052s are known to wear out relatively quickly, especially on heavier cars without optimal camber. Matt Underhill and I got A052s to last forever on a STX BRZ, but not so much on other cars. I have Falken RT660s on my Corvette. They're wearing out from heat cycling before they run out of tread.
  23. Phoenix AZ Solo Region Steering Committee Meeting Minutes December 1, 2022 Present: Lance H., Kevin V., Kim K., Chris G., Steve E., Brian M., Tim B., Kenny M. (invited), Jonathan Herold (guest), Kei J., Todd H., Craig B., Matt U., Morgan L., Mat L., J. Bucki, Bill P. 1. Region Update: We’re now a medium sized region, not a small region. So we go to the medium sized region SCCA meetings. Basically the same. Meeting results: can get 2023 annual waiver now. 2. Financials update: Financials OK. This year to date shows a slight loss due to cone expenses, but should still be positive after Dec event. 3. Equipment update, especially radios: Steve ordered new radios, 18 of them. About $1000 for 18 radios. Li-ion batteries, lots of features, lockable configuration. New cones in place. New EZ ups purchased. Need to get more oil dry. Unknown status of higher tables and chairs. Jason is properly pairing both sets of timing equipment. Hopefully so everything is interchangeable. Will put electronic manuals on google drive as they become available. 4. Delay gate opening?: Jim Baus was a bit upset that he had to be at the site for so long last weekend. Would like to see if we can open the gates later so he doesn’t have to be there so early. Chiefs will should think about it. 5. Registration updates: Lance now just copies reg from previous event to next event for pre reg people (us). Can change after the fact if necessary. 2 driver cars are gridded at the front of the grid now. Matt U would like to know which cars are 2 driver cars. Lance wants to give Matt access to MSR so he can see all of that. 6. MLK Track day event: Do we need to limit entries for event? Steve suggests 135 max limit to be able to finish in the day and still get 4 runs minimum each. Also, registration is not set up for PASR or SCCA member priority as of now. But we are requiring 3 PASR events within the last year, or 3 other autocross events in the past year, proof required. Can there be a line drawn course map? As of now, no. We’d have to make one, but we think we can. Cannot set up course the day before because the track is rented. Kenny will get an AMP cart during the event at least for setup and teardown. Plan for 4 run groups, 135 max number of entries for now. Will charge full price for now and consider giving partial refunds if we get lots of entries and end up with fewer runs than the cost justifies. 7. March 2 day event: March event rescheduled for Mar 4-5 to accommodate other events that month. National style with fastest run of both days counting. Sunday event only will count for local series. People must attend both days for the two day scoring and results. Will present awards for 2 day event. Should we give a discount for 2 day event reg? Will post questions on forum to discuss. 8. Summer event at Snowflake airport: Snowflake facility may be up for sale. Not a lot has been done to pursue the event. Need to wait some more to see if the site is actually available this coming summer. 9. Other sites: Called 12 airports. Cannot use any federal locations because no fundraising activities are allowed. Other two choices are casa grande and the snowflake location. Both are far away and have issues. 10. Banquet plans: We will do raffles for 5 TO entries. CG will get raffle tickets. Door prize style, everyone attending will get a ticket. 11. Vote for Bill P. as chief of course: Nick and Elliot will help out if needed. Unanimous vote yes. 12. TO pricing and attendance: Look into bleeding comp runs into TOs to retire wait list. Also look into event timing for having more comp runs but fewer TOs. This will work if TOs remain undersubscribed. Can’t change for December, but could investigate for Jan. If we use unused TO slots for comp runs, we will have to reduce spectator attendance. 13. Spring series format: January tech will be rough because no one will have annual yet. Can we do offsite annual tech? At least need more tech people for Jan and Feb. Motion made to keep events in full day format. Vote 11 yes, 1 no. Motion carries. 14. Fall 23 2 day event?: Proposals for potential 2 day event in fall series? Kevin suggests a mirrorkhanna. Nov event already overlaps with goodguys. Brian M will look into available dates for a 2 day fall event, and also move Nov. event. 15. Member suggestions from Annual meeting: Kei will be looking into Evo school and also potentially local driver’s school. National events? CAM challenge event could happen. Maybe even on the track. National SCCA is interested. Motion to look into it passes unanimously. 16. Next SC meeting date. Mar 16.
  24. I've used Bullett Automotive in Tempe with good results. That's also who Classic Gold, my current mechanics, use as well. Forza is also supposed to be good and do a lot of exotic and race cars, but is pricy.
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